Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mushroom Vexation

My yard is Smurf heaven!
Has anyone ever had a problem with mushrooms growing in there yard? It has only been the past 2 yr.'s out of 4 that we have had this problem. Yesterday T-m and I picked a good plastic bag full of the little buggers! By this morning they were back in full force! If anyone has a solution to this problem please feel free to comment!

1 comment:

Cate said...

I've been told they come from old tree roots still in the ground once the tree is removed. I get them like crazy in my yard, especially close to where a large, old tree was that was removed just prior to our purchase of the house (three years ago).

I don't really know that there's anything you can do. I just kick the tops off and that helps keep them at bay but I hate them too.