end of summer
- M~ and her clan - >
This weekend was busy, the fam and I went camping. I now realize camping with 30+ people isn't the most relaxing! Between a leaky mattress- making food for all- volleyball- football- and being the designated pudgy pie maker there wasn't much time to chill! Although I'm sore from sports and tired from lack of sleep, it was fun. And M~ had a blast so it was all worth the effort!
M~ starts 4K tomorrow!:) :( I have mixed feelings about it. Woohoo! I'll have a couple hours of me time to myself. And boo whoo.. my one and only is growing up. Now if I can just get her to school tomorrow. You see, she just come down w/ a fever, mild but it's there. It seems as though a bug has been crawling around mine and T~ neighborhood! M~ is resting, and taking advantage of being able to have an abundance of popsicles! So I'll see how the night goes.
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